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Creator’s Choice Session #3 - Using the soul's guidance to connect with inner peace.

Creator’s Choice Session #3 - Using the soul's guidance to connect with inner peace.

Regular price $75.00 USD
Regular price $100.00 USD Sale price $75.00 USD
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Expressive arts sessions may incorporate  mediums in writing, drama, dance, movement, painting, vision boards, and/or music. 

A personality questionnaire will help determine what medium will fit best. 

*This Session normally extends over numerous continously occurring FunWork sessions. 


Materials 🎨

All materials provided for In-person  &  Online sessions. 

Time Allotment  ⏰

30 minutes - 1 hour


Sessions can be held In-person or via Zoom, Google Meet or Facebook messenger video calls.


For more information,  contact us:

Chat with us NOW down below ⤵️⤵️📳





Therapeutic Art is a tool used to help clients interpret, express, and visualize their emotions and thoughts.

Clients work with an art coach to explore their emotions, understand conflicts or feelings that are causing them distress, and use art to help them find resolutions to those issues.


😇 Healing 

😇 Reduce Stress 

😇 Experience Joy, Peace, Harmony 



Maybe you’re ready to express yourself through art, but you’ve got a lot of blocks and questions.


“How do I even start ___?”


“I don’t even have much skills/I’m not good with art, how could I do this?”


“What exercise or materials would help me the best?


 What is the best therapeutic art process for me in terms of letting go of my emotions?”


I know there can be a lot of questions and blocks when you’re starting to practice therapeutic art for yourself. If you don’t have structure or experience, it can be easy to complicate it, get off track, or never benefit from the consistent practice.


 Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to know what to do.


That’s why I’ve created the: 



  Therapeutic Art Making         Exclusive Community


A ongoing supportive group to help you express your feelings through therapeutic art-making.

In this group you can:


Join online video calls in group sessions, where you’ll be guided through specific art exercises to access, express, and release emotions/thoughts.


Schedule a one - on - one with your own well-being coach. 

Experience the warm support and inspiring energy of a creative healing group (with members all over the world!)


Get inspired motivation, accountability, and supportive structure to make art for self-care consistently


What’s included in this membership: 

☯️ Weekly 30-minute live online (free) group sessions (chat only)

☯️ Individual/group therapeutic art sessions, facilitated by Angel Carrell, certified art Coach & facilitator (paid membership)

☯️ Access to exclusive/private Facebook group for the Therapeutic Art-Making group members where you get session replays. 

Chat with us now  ↔️

For membership questions,  email 📧 us:



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